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Emotions during this month

Evaluation of work

Main events during this month








Whole School Project

Choosing of ateliers


Creation of practices and manifestos

Visiting Stretford for the first time

Pop-up Shop // collation of research

Study Trip // Moments and Exchanges

Initial research into homelessness




Big Draw Part 1

Development of programme

Initial plans/sections/elevations

Master-planning of Stretford

Technology Part 1


Revisiting of 3.1 work

Big Draw Part 2

Development of programme


Structural and mechanical considerations

Re-working of plans

Technology Part 2


Production of final plans/sections/elevations/axonometrics

Material selection

Production of details

Tightening up of 3.1 and 3.2 process work


Working across the years to produce this initial project was a nice  relaxed way to begin the year.

The Pop-Up Shop research project proved to be very useful, offering insight into the lives of the people of Stretford, and helping me to understand their needs and wants. This information has influenced the entire arc of my project, helping me to develop an understanding of the human aspect required.

Unfortunately, I don't think I full understood the processes behind the Big Draw, and as such I didn't get as much out of it as I should have done. This was a problem that I had also faced within second year, with my development work.


Able project work continued to be successful however, with the production of a masterplan which proved useful throughout this year.

As a direct result of my inability develop from my Big Draw work, my preliminary plans/sections/elevations for 3.1 were of limited quality. I had failed to use much of the important research undertaken at the start of the year.


The Christmas holiday period offered an opportunity to revisit this work, enabling me to see where the gaps were. Here I also began to develop a more  successful graphic style.

Having developed my 3.1 over this holiday, I was able to return to complete the second Big Draw with a greater understanding of the methodology, I was able to gain a huge amount of inspiration, with enabled me to develop my project in a much more coherent way.


I began to feed in the human element of my project much more, looking back at the initial research undertaken at the start of the year.

Working with the structural and mechanical engineers, I was able to finalise my plans. The technology unit also proved very fruitful, forcing me to make quick decisions to resolve my building.

Here I began the process of finalising my drawings. I felt in a much better place than I had at the end of 3.1, feeding in the needs of the user and wider community to a much greater degree .



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